Labor Organizations are an important part of every country. They provide workers with the help they need to achieve their goals, find jobs etc. Turkey is no exception in this regard. Turkey's labor organization is known as İŞKUR.
İŞKUR can be very helpful to foreigners who are looking for a job. İŞKUR provides counseling and job search services, as well as hold training and practical classes for applicants.This government organization has made life in Turkey easy even for foreigners and asylum seekers with its extensive employment services.
The services of the labor organization of Turkey can be listed as follows:
Helping applicants to find work in Turkey
Work and career counseling and discovering abilities and talents
Salary and unemployment insurance for eligible people
Job search for disabled and experienced people
Holding training classes for volunteers
The classes held under the supervision of this organization are as follows:
Technical and professional skills classes
Increasing practical skills, especially for unemployed people and those who want to make the hiring process in Turkey easier for themselves.
Job training classes
This event, like the previous one, is held for unemployed people to increase work skills and job search in Turkey, with the difference that the job seekers will work directly with employers and business owners of Turkey.
Entrepreneurship skills classes and business creation
This class is for people who want to start a business in Turkey , do entrepreneurship and finally, obtain a Turkish passport by doing so.
After attending these classes, knowing how to look for a job in Turkey might come in handy.